In the world of massage therapy, the dreaded burnout comes in many forms. Lumbar, wrist and hand injury from repetitive use can all lead to even the most seasoned of professionals getting out of the massage business altogether. But, do not throw in the towel just yet! Learning how to use feet to deliver massage could be the answer for career longevity. While there is…
Have you ever taken a moment to digest all that you learned in aesthetic school – the myriad of chapters, the review questions, the workbook, and all the extra credit assignments that go along with it? And, yet, it is important to ask yourself this question, “have I learned everything?” The correct answer is a resounding “no,” of course. Let’s take a look at the…
You have surpassed your goal of completing aesthetics school and now hold the coveted “Golden Ticket,” also known as your state license. As you ponder your options, you decide that the classic day spa is where you want to land as a newly minted aesthetics professional. Our focus will be on facilities that offer only skin care and body therapy treatments. Let’s take a look…
A skin care professional who does not have in-depth medical training in physiology means an increased risk for side effects and poor results and could result in permanent problems from injectables, deeper layer chemical peels, and machines that are more than a class one medical device. This article will explore the regulations of popular aesthetic practices within varying states. Cosmetic professionals, like aestheticians and cosmetologists,…
Countless men and women become successful in the beauty and skin care industry. In fact, there is a huge membership in the $100,000 club. But, there is a catch. If you want to be in the $100,000 club, you need to engage in your career and not just endure a job in the beauty industry. Successful beauty business women and men engage and step outside…

April 2024

Business Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Celluma by Biophotas, Inc
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.
  • Eminence Organic Skin Care.