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The energy behind going green is growing and more of our clients are connecting with the idea that our good green earth is indeed the source of an infinite means to restore and maintain lasting beauty and radiant health. More than ever there is recognition that fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and organic meat and dairy products provide the range of nutrients to support a youthful…

In Demand Skin Lightening Treatments

Written by Christian Jurist
As consumer demand for a flawless, porcelain-looking appearance continues to rise, offering skin lightening and brightening services as part of your spa menu has become more important than ever. Furthermore, as discoloration ranks high on the list of skin concerns, it is not only unsightly, but it inevitably contributes to premature aging and requires targeted care to ensure it is effectively addressed. Commonly referred to…
We, as the consumers, have a tendency to spend a noted amount of money to rejuvenate our faces and at best our décolletés. But what happens to the rest of the largest organ of the body? It cries out for help by mimicking the Sahara, an alligator, the Rocky Mountains … well you get the idea.Now, I can write this article to you my colleagues,…
Gold is one of the hottest new ingredients in skin care right now. As gold colloids in moisturizers and sunscreens, eye creams and lip balms, you will find it flaked, liquefied and as nanoparticles. For the adventurous, you can drink it as a super nutrient or eat it on the most exotic of Indian sweet meats. You will find it on the finest of acupuncture…
Summer brings a feeling of liberation as we shed our winter layers, but there can be a downside to this emancipation: sunburn. In spite of everything we know about UV damage and the risk of skin cancer, every spring and summer brings waves of lobster-red vacationers to the drugstore and the spa in search of soothing relief. The sunburn goes away in terms of the…

April 2024

Body Care Blogs

Brands of the Month

  • Epionce
  • RapidLash Rocasuba, Inc.
  • Face Reality Skincare