Enhancing Detoxification and Relaxation with Herbal Formulas

Written by Robert Sawinski, CEO of Jadience Herbal Formulas
The modern lifestyle has exposed humans to stress and toxins that accumulate over time. The skin provides a window into the internal effects of everyday toxins. Fortunately, herbs can improve the body through their relaxing and detoxifying effects.
Many skin care professionals love self-tanning products because they are a great alternative to outdoor tanning and tanning beds, which can cause premature aging and cancer. There are, however, a number of mistakes that clients can make when using a self-tanner. They may miss a spot, use a shade that is too dark, have streaks on rough areas, and even leave stains on their hands…

Soothing Sunburns with an Integrative Approach

Written by Joseph Alban, traditional Chinese medicine expert editor for Dermveda, Jason Derico, N.D., naturopathy medical expert editor for Dermveda, and Raja Sivamani, M.D., assistant professor of clinical dermatology at the University of California, Davis
A fun day in the sun can sometimes lead to painful sunburns. Clients that have painful, swollen, and oozing burns may wonder what they can do to alleviate their suffering. There are many options that can help clients through the discomfort of a sunburn. These alternatives originate from four different medical perspectives: Western, ayurvedic, naturopathic, and traditional Chinese medicines.

Off The Wall Ingredients: Urea

Written by Kathleen Carney, CEO of Skin Blends LLC
When most people hear the word urea, they often immediately think of urine. It is not surprising, therefore, that the notion of using urea in skin care products is often met with looks of shock and astonishment. While it is true that the kidneys transfer urea from the blood to the urine, urea – along with lactic acid and amino acids – is a major…

Five Steps to Securing Affordable Funding

Written by Evan Singer, president of SmartBiz
By 2018, the United States skin care market will reach nearly $11 billion. Spa owners that are ready to take their business to the next level may find that small business funding is a great place to start. Whether the skin care professional needs to purchase new equipment, hire additional employees, increase marketing, or refinance a high interest debt, cash flow is vital to any…

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