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“Video is critical to telling your story, reaching your audience and most importantly, telling the world how you’re different,” says Jason Parmer, creative director for Dapper. Parmer and I have been producing video projects together for more than eight years. We have created three shows that aired on PBS nationally and, between us, have received five Emmy nominations. We know the power of video for…
Millennials are simultaneously gaining buying power in today’s marketplace and rising through the ranks as they age, potentially becoming a more popular target client base for your office. Born between 1980 and 1999, today’s millennials are seeking anything from fewer facial wrinkles and fuller lips, to a breast augmentation coupled with a Brazilian butt lift. So how do you entice this growing market into your…
Have you ever seen a movie where the actor nailed the part? Where you were so enraptured by their performance that you almost forgot they were acting? When you think back to that movie, how much of their ability to disappear into the character was based on the lines they said? How much of the performance was based on their mannerisms, their facial expressions, or…
Does your business actively post on social media? Do you blog? Have an e-newsletter? How about creating videos about your spa or skin care practice? It’s likely you answered yes to at least one of those questions, and maybe all four. Guess what you are doing? Creating content. Now, more than ever, content is king. Why is content creation important? Your leads, clients, potential partners,…
Proper disinfection practices are the cornerstone of a successful spa business. As professionals, it is our duty to protect the public we service, while also protecting ourselves and our business. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has very clear outlines as to why and how we clean, disinfect, and sterilize our implements, workspaces, and tools of the trade. Along with the foundation of…

Community Activity

Milla posted a new discussionyesterday

Software development

To implement my project of creating a mobile application, I decided to contact the professionals from Devox Software here . Their mobile app...

Branding and web design agencies

That’s a good question. It will benefit many people. You don’t see topics and services like this discussed by real people that often. I will... Show more

Marks and ASDaw joined the group Seattle warehousing 3 days ago

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