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Friday, 24 November 2006 09:37

Aesthetics and Vibrational Healing

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Vibrational healing or medicine is a term used to describe the modalities that influence the energy fields and centers of a person in order to bring about healing. Combined with aesthetics, the practice of advanced skin care, powerfully effective treatments designed to promote inner and outer (and therefore longer lasting) healing are very possible. The modalities of vibrational healing use a number of vehicles, including the five senses, flower essences, and vibrational frequencies. Light therapy, homeopathy, and flower essence remedies are examples. The principle of activity in all of these is that everything, even down to cells has a vibrational pattern that equals healthiness.

These various methods then are used to coax the subject back to its healthy vibration. Because it works on such a basic level, it is in essence the very root of what a cure is.
Aesthetics relates to vibrational healing on a basic level. The practice of aesthetics is known to improve clients’ self esteem and sense of self-worth by visibly enhancing the appearance and health of the skin. This generation of positive thoughts, which has been scientifically proven to have a beneficial effect on healing, enhances the work done through vibrational healing. These positive thoughts put the client more in alignment with a healthier vibration. Scientific works have shown in fact that happier thoughts result in a healthier disposition, which, in terms of vibrational healing, also means a healthier vibration. The results possible then from the vibrational energy work are that much more enhanced because of the positive state of the client. This also works in reverse, meaning that vibrational healing enhances the results of the aesthetic work as well. This happens by way of the healthier vibration created. This vibrational state sets a stage for more complete results to be obtained from any treatments performed. This is because the more in alignment one can become with the healing/corrective process, the faster it is able to manifest.
Vibrational energy techniques range from those that require hands on touch and body manipulations to those that require no physical contact whatsoever. This paper will explore four such modalities. Vibrational aromatherapy, acupressure, flower essence therapy, and crystal therapy will each be discussed in the context of its relation to the practice of aesthetics. The principles as well as different ways to incorporate each will be explored and practical examples of application will be offered.

Aesthetics and Vibrational Aromatherapy

Vibrational Aromatherapy is a form of vibrational medicine that employs essential oils specifically through smells and touch therapy. Essential oils are fragrant, concentrated plant extracts; Aromatherapy itself is the art and science of using the therapeutic properties of these oils to promote health and well-being. Vibrational Aromatherapy uses hand gestures coupled with relevant essential oils to bring about changes in a person’s energy field. In particular, work is directed toward the energy centers or Chakras of the human body, which serve as the focal points for this energy work.

In relation to aesthetics, essential oils are already a well-known and respected tool. Most are familiar with using essential oils for their olfactory benefit in creating a pleasingly scented environment. Aestheticians with an interest in natural skin care also use essential oils for the physiological benefit they possess.
Beyond these ways, essential oils can operate on an energetic level. Just as each essential oil has its unique physiological and emotional properties, so does each have its characteristic energetic properties. These properties span conditions, covering physical, psychological, and energetic (spiritual) imbalances. The reason this is possible is because essential oils work on a vibrational level, affecting the energy pattern that has been created by the imbalance so that it resonates at a healthy vibration again.
In aesthetics work, this added layer of affect is very powerful. With the addition of using essential oils energetically, the aesthetician can encourage physiological and emotional changes that are much longer lasting. Clients often walk in with issues well beyond the indications of a basic facial. On the aesthetics bed or in the consultation, aestheticians are usually presented with these conditions, whether verbally from the client or through body language and the client’s general demeanor. Through vibrational aromatherapy, the aesthetician is empowered to address these issues so that her treatments become more and more highly and reproducibly effective. Clients who walk in with excessive anger, depression, stress, worry, etc. can receive more than the residual relief that a spa experience typically gives. The client can actually walk away with a changed outlook and genuinely revived sense of well-being.
Vibrational Aromatherapy work can easily be introduced into a facial protocol without creating any disturbances for the client whatsoever. In particular, there are various hand manipulations that are done with the addition of essential oils that can be incorporated. They involve holding hands over certain body parts or applying gentle pressure to them. This all fits into the realm of the type of facial and body manipulations that aestheticians perform. In essence, what creates the difference is the intent behind the techniques and the use of specific essentials oils.
Filling, is a technique used to gently energize a client and is useful for person’s experiencing general fatigue, emotional emptiness, mental or physical fatigue. It is performed by placing the palms on the shoulders of the receiver and following this process: the aesthetician visualizes drawing energy from the earth through the bottoms of his/her feet and filling the fourth energy center or Chakra (in the Heart area). The aesthetician then visualizes that energy moving through the fifth energy center (the Throat area), down his/her arms, and out of his/her hands to fill the receiver. This is held for 5 minutes. Before beginning this, the aesthetician premixes the appropriate essential oils in a carrier oil and rubs the resulting mixture onto his/her hands before placing on the client. Good essential oils for this process include Lavender for gently energizing, Orange for filling with joy, Clary sage for relieving physical fatigue, and rosemary for relieving mental fatigue.
This process can be performed at the beginning of a facial if the client is particularly upset and stressed or towards the end of the facial to energize the client and prepare them to reenter into their daily life more refreshed and renewed.

Aesthetics and Acupressure

The next modality to be discussed is acupressure. Acupressure is a form of vibrational healing that centers around pulse points or energy spots within the body. This system was developed within Chinese Traditional Medicine and deals with the flow of chi (life force) through meridians (energy lines) that run throughout the body. Ancient Chinese practitioners believed that illness begins as stagnation or over excessiveness in the flow of this energy and that stimulation of pulse points results in the correction of this flow.
Acupressure is performed by applying firm three-finger pressure at specific points on the body. This pressure increases the flow of blood and oxygen to that area, thereby moving out toxins and releasing tensions. In facial massage, this increase softens lines, tones and tightens sagging skin, and generally provides a natural facelift. With repeated treatments, clients can see notable changes in the appearance and radiance of their skin.
Within body treatments, acupressure provides relief of specific physical issues, such as lower back pain, cold and flu symptoms, headaches and migraines, etc. It is also possible to address physio-emotional issues with body acupressure. Anxiety, depression, memory and concentration improvement, and insomnia can all be addressed with acupressure treatments.
An acupressure treatment addressing a certain issue consists of a certain series of pressure points to stimulate in a particular order. There are a number of online resources as well as excellent books that give these sequences. Soundtells.com provides an excellent online and downloadable guide to acupressure. Timeless Face : 30 Days To A Younger You Through Face Reading, Acupressure, and Toning by Ellae Elinwood provides specific exercises and information on home care that aestheticians can use to create a full treatment system for acupressure facelift.

Aesthetics and Flower Essence Therapy

Flower Essences are substances created from the flowers of plants and said to contain the essence of those plants within them. Flower essences fit into vibrational energy healing because each plant is believed to have a distinctive vibration based on its color and essence. Their purpose is to affect the emotional state of a client, with the specific result of restoring mental harmony and preventing physical illness from taking hold.
Flower essences are generally used internally and can be incorporated into a facial treatment as post or pre care. Often times, the process of a facial will relieve emotional strains a client may be undergoing through the calming and rebalancing effect. In order to prolong and make more permanent the relief, an aesthetician can recommend specific flower essences for the client to use as maintenance during their home care. Examples of essences that might be useful in dealing with your clients are as follows:
Red Chestnut is a good choice for clients who worry excessively about their loved ones. The mother who worries over her teenage child is the perfect example of this. A treatment session will undoubtedly relax this mother and temporarily relieve her of the stress of worrying however this is most certainly temporary. By recommending and providing the Red Chestnut flower essence, it’s possible for the aesthetician to give her client a means to welcome this relief into her everyday life.
Aestheticians can use Impatiens to soothe the client that is continuously irritated by any minor delay in his or her schedule. For instance if a client comes in and circumstances beyond control creates a situation where he/she must wait longer than expected, this is a wonderful essence to give in a glass of water to help the client relax and enjoy their treatment. After the service, the aesthetician can easily talk about this essence, citing the effects it had on the client’s state of mind throughout the treatment, and suggest it as an option for similar situations for the client’s use.
Heather is another excellent flower essence that can be used to help clients with personal issues they have that surface subtly in a treatment session. Often times, aestheticians receive clients who share the bulk of their troubles with them. When an aesthetician begins to notice this pattern, with flower essences, she is empowered to recognize a potential emotional issue and make a recommendation that might help without having to directly bring up what she has perceived. Heather is particularly indicated for people who, out of a fear of loneliness and a need to keep an audience, share their troubles with anyone who will listen. They are generally self-centered and very poor at listening and empathizing with others.
Using Flower Essence in this way provides a powerful tool for the aesthetician in expanding her range of tools and ultimately effective options to address her clients skin care needs and life concerns.

Aesthetics and Crystal Therapy

Crystals and aesthetics work together on the same principles as the other vibrational modalities discussed. Crystals are used in a therapeutic setting by practitioners because of their vibrational patterns. The belief is that crystals, according to their color, density, and opaqueness give off vibrations that are able to realign vibrational disturbances caused by different human emotions and physical conditions. Placing a certain crystal on a specific energy center/Chakra (see vibrational aromatherapy section) for instance can alleviate a problem associated with that Chakra by coaxing the energy to flow at the same vibration as the crystal. This in turn is the proper vibration for a healthy state of being for that area.
In aesthetics work, crystals can be added to facial and body treatments in order to address both physical and emotional concerns of clients. Crystal facials, as an example, have become very popular and consist of using specific crystals to help clients reach a deeper state of relaxation and achieve a more holistic benefit from the service provided. Most clients in today’s world are great candidates for services that relieve stress and rebalance the energy of the body.

A simple, yet effective crystal treatment that can be added during a rejuvenating mask in a facial follows below:
Crystalwellbeing.com.uk offers up the Moonstone Healing layout to release stress and tension as well as PMS. Moonstone is a crystal generally used for bringing up and easing old emotional issues and the physical conditions that arise because of them. The layout uses five moonstone tumbler stones. A stone is placed on each hipbone and taped down to secure it. Two other stones are placed on the shoulders near the armpits and taped down. The final stone is placed just above and touching the clients head. The crystals are allowed to sit in these positions for 10 to 15 minutes, the same amount of time that most masks are left on the face. During the treatment, the client should begin to experience a soothing energy flowing through the body and may even report an increase in creativity and intuitive ability in the time period following the service.
Another simple, powerful spread is the Chakra balancing layout. This layout uses the color of the stones as the most important element. Each Chakra point corresponds to a specific color, as follows: Crown Chakra (above and touching head) – violet or clear stone, Brow Chakra (in between eyebrows) – indigo or dark blue stone, Throat Chakra – light blue stone, Heart Chakra (middle of chest) – green stone, Solar Plexus Chakra (between navel and ribcage) – yellow stone, Sacral Chakra (lower abdomen) – orange stone, and the Base Chakra (near base of spine between legs) – red or black stone. One more stone, tourmaline or smoky quartz, is placed between the feet for grounding. These stones are left in place for five to 10 minutes, which can again be during the mask phase of a facial. The before treatment consultation and a good crystal guide can help the aesthetician choose the stones most appropriate for the client, thus creating an overall healing experience.


As can be seen through the various modalities and examples above, vibrational energy healing is wonderfully compatible with the practice of aesthetics. It’s incorporation can add a richness and fullness to treatments that without it, may happen, however not nearly as completely. These options are not only effective, but also very simple and easy to add to an aesthetician’s established protocols and procedures. With basic knowledge, he or she can be successful with bringing these elements in; Her treatments will only continue to become more valuable to her clients as her skill and wisdom in the area grows.
The field of aesthetics is continuing to grow into and become respected as a healing, results based modality and it is exciting to see how the addition of Vibrational energy techniques will help it expand and create even better lives for the people it serves. I encourage every aesthetician to try adding at least one of these options to see how much more wonderful their work can be!

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