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Monday, 17 October 2016 11:45

What’s your recipe for post-workout skin care?

Written by   Celeste Hilling, CEO, co-founder, and product formulator for Skin Authority

Just as it is important to cool down the body after working out, it is vital to educate clients about taking care of their skin post-workout. Skin care professionals should make their clients aware of the following four key factors that will keep the skin healthy, clean, and clear post-workout.

Be Aware of Bacteria
Gyms and fitness venues are hot beds of bacteria and germs, which are not skin-friendly. During the process of touching equipment, weights, and mats used by others, bacteria can be transferred from the hands to the face and chest, causing breakouts. While at the gym, it is a good idea to clean surfaces of equipment with antibacterial wipes before using them. Post-workout, urge clients to always clean with an antibacterial cleanser, such as one with three percent glycolic to remove germs.

The Scoop on Sweat
It is good to sweat while exercising, but monitor how long it stays on the skin. Sweat can cause oil and dirt to collect on the skin, resulting in irritation and chafing. The hairline, chest, back, and stomach are often where sweat pools and leads to breakouts. To help clients avoid breaking out, suggest that they apply a toner before working out to minimize oil and dry the skin's surface. quote

Sweat can also cause hair products to travel onto the face, so it is important for clients to avoid using gels or leave-in hair products prior to a workout. If clients do use those products, urge them to pull their hair back from their face or wear a sweatband.

While most clients know it is important to shower immediately after exercising, they may not know that they should be using pH-balanced soap, antiperspirant, and lotion, since showering often can disrupt the natural pH balance of skin. When there is not enough time for a shower, baby wipes are useful for a quick cleanse before putting on clean clothing.

Replenish Moisture
Body heat and sweating can cause the skin to lose its natural moisture. Furthermore, rosacea can be aggravated by the increased blood flow to the skin's surface. It is important to teach clients to replenish moisture with anti-inflammatory ingredients. Shea butter, aloe, grapeseed, olive oil, and topical vitamin D are excellent natural hydrators. Clients should also be drinking plenty of water.

Counteract Free Radicals
As a by-product of revving up metabolism with exercise, more free radicals are produced, which can create wrinkles. Wrinkles are more easily formed when there is an excess of free radicals in the body's system. Encourage clients to counteract this effect with antioxidants that are ingested and applied topically to protect cells and refuel the body. This action, in addition to drinking a sufficient amount of water, will help clients avoid dehydration and keep their cells plump
and hydrated.

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