LED - Does FDA Clearance Matter?

As a skin care professional, does a device’s FDA credentials really make a difference? Isn’t the FDA something doctors deal with? For treating the superficial layers of the skin, do devices with FDA credentials work any better than those that don’t? Don’t FDA credentials just make devices more expensive? All great questions for today’s skin care professional. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an…

LED: Proximity Trumps Power

Light therapy continues to enjoy greater acceptance and popularity in the medical aesthetic field. As a result, we have seen a plethora of non-regulated devices of unknown origin flooding the market in recent years. While selecting the best LED device for your practice might seem like a daunting task, a little research can go a long way. The most reliable research can be found in…

A Perfect Pairing: Microneedling and LED

The pursuit of youthful skin, as well as a healthy glow is the desire of the of majority women. Very few are blessed with porcelain, blemish-free skin. It’s therefore no surprise that skin rejuvenation and the reduction of the signs of aging are the most frequent cosmetic requests that present to the professionals. The pursuit of youthful skin, as well as a healthy glow is…

Pairing LED with Your Favorite Skin Care Products

It is not just great DNA that is responsible for great skin. It takes work, care, and commitment to maintain a healthy and vibrant skin tone and texture. Stress, hormonal influences, poor diet, a lack of water and sleep, unprotected sun exposure, and pollution all play a negative role in how the skin functions and how it looks and feels. The daily routine adopted and…

LED for Pigmentation – Yes or No?

We all know fashions come and go, but the one trend that hasn’t changed for decades is the desire for a bronzed and healthy skin. This trend, popularized in the 1920s by fashion icon Coco Chanel, was viewed as the sign of health and a degree of wealth and privilege. The trend and desire for the healthy glow has persisted through the decades – from…

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