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While we're still recovering from pandemic whiplash, emerging beauty standards are reimagining how we define, source, and buy beauty. Uncertainty will continue to be felt across the industry at large, but transparency has become the antidote as it reshapes the brand and consumer relationship. Savvy consumers will seek out brands that champion diversity, sustainability, and utility. The Novi team of scientists, sustainable packaging experts, as…

The Real Reason Your Clients Have Acne

Written by Face Reality Acne Clinic
Client success comes down to not only their commitment, but the expertise of their professional. Acne can be a difficult skin condition to get under control even for licensed professionals, especially when you have not been able to dedicate time to studying it. Clients are becoming increasingly savvy about their own skin and acne, but they are not always looking in the right places. Many…

Mental Health

Written by TheraGenesis
Did you know that over 40 million North American adults live with anxiety disorders each year? 54 million live with some kind of Mental Health illness Mental health is one of the most talked about concerns in both Western Medicine and in many aspects of the Wellness industry. As a result, many Spas are now wanting to introduce wellness programs and are exploring new possibilities…

Hormones and Menopause

Written by TheraGenesis
MENOPAUSE IS A NATURALLY occurring stage in every woman’s life, yet experiences are as unique as our thumbprints. Some women scarcely register any physical change in their bodies, while others are bombarded with inexplicable symptoms. Women between the ages of 45 and 60 are one of the fastest growing segments of the North American population. With more than 50 million women in this age group,…

Food For Your Face

Written by TheraGenesis
Nutritional status plays an important role in the maintenance of healthy skin. Macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, micronutrients, vitamins and nutritionally essential minerals work together to maintain the barrier functions of skin in the face of everyday challenges. Changes in nutritional status that alter skin structure and function can also directly affect skin appearance. Unlike many organs, skin nutrition may be enhanced directly through topical applications.…

Community Activity

Sem Werd posted a new discussion8 hours 59 minutes ago

Eager to elevate your betting experience in the UK?

Eager to elevate your betting experience in the UK? Dive into the world of dog racing betting sites for an exhilarating ride! These platforms offer...

Best Novel Proofreading Services in Canada
bla bling and 4 others have joined the group State laws and regulations 23 hours 38 minutes ago
alijen posted a new discussion2 days ago

Important things about glaucoma that you should know

Glaucoma (glaucoma) is a dangerous disease that can cause blindness, second only to cataracts. The goal of treatment can only be to dilate eye...

Red and green color blindness

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