Sam Margulies

Sam Margulies

Makeup Retail Design

Retail is an important part of the spa business, and one of its components is makeup sales. When you design a retail space, you have to keep in mind that there are different types of retail products, and each category must be located, placed and presented in a manner related to its category to support and stimulate sales. Some retail products are more of a destination buy, meaning clients come to your spa because they want to buy the product. Other retail products are more of a circumstance buy, meaning the client may as well buy it here while she is onsite. Then, there is the impulse buy, meaning the client does not really need it, did not think of it, but sees it and wants it NOW.
The very interesting thing about makeup is that it is a retail type of product that is a destination-, circumstance- and impulse-based buy.

10 Things About...Spa Ambiance Design

A spa is like a building: each and every element of its conception and design is a stone that is part of the foundation supporting the building (or the ambiance of the spa, if you will). If the aesthetic elements are important in the creation of the ambiance, structural elements are even more essential to it. Here are 10 of these most important "ambiance building stones."