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Monday, 25 January 2016 16:29

Personal Identity Influences on Autoimmune Skin Diseases

Written by   Anne C. Willis, L.E., C.M.E., founder and CEO of De La Terre Skincare®

Autoimmune skin disorders are a 21st century phenomenon that is deeply rooted in the way people live their lives. Currently, about 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases, a number that is steadily rising. The role of the immune system in keeping people safe and how it goes from defending to attacking the body is largely due to a lack of sleep, erratic diets, emotional drama, excessive use of stimulants, and most importantly, how people view themselves.

If someone is experiencing autoimmune skin imbalances, they need to change their lifestyle choices and develop a healthy, personal identity in order to recover.

How people choose to develop self-satisfaction with the world around them and themselves is a major component to reducing autoimmune skin conditions. This is evident in individuals who display negative dialogue about their physicality. Studies show that people who slither into self-deprivation and psychological sabotage (self-attacking self) are at a higher risk for autoimmune disease. For instance, internal factors, such as stressing over personal perception, have been implicated in causing a deficient immune system because of the nature of the body’s response in dealing with this problem. The capabilities of the immune system are diminished after frequent activation of the autonomic nervous system, in the case of chronic stress over how people view themselves. The immune system is downgraded to be able to continuously function, leading to inflammation and autoimmunity.

skinconditionInhibition of emotions may be another stress factor that is negatively-affecting health. Bottling up negative emotions seems to tie-up resources of the immune system. A perceived mood also seems to play a role in the immune system’s effectiveness. Having a positive attitude seems to correlate with an increased ability of the immune system in fighting diseases.

Developing self-surveillance skills is a key element in how one can change thoughts towards the self. It is important to find time to be alone and detach from outside noise and influences. Sitting quietly and sipping wellness tea is a healthy approach that will allow people to reacquaint themselves with how they feel, what they like, and what they need. Ignoring symptoms that demonstrate that the immune system is struggling will only cause the problems to escalate and the immune system to suffer. Another helpful and healthy approach to self care is getting an appropriate amount of sleep. Many people find that skin and health markers improve after they have had at least eight hours of sleep. Another helpful tip is to reduce and manage stress, as it can have as much of an impact as diet on gut health and hormone levels.

Becoming immune to self love and self preservation will contribute to autoimmune skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and keratosis pilaris. Engaging in services that have therapeutic benefits, and reacquainting themselves with what truly matters, the self, are two of the most valuable ways people can support their immune system.

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