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Leading the Pack: Jane Iredale

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Jane Iredale, founder and president of her eponymous line, was the first to supply the aesthetics industry with a full line of skin care makeup based on quality minerals and healing botanical ingredients. With a background in film, theater, and television, Iredale witnessed the negative effects conventional makeup had on models and actresses. She introduced the first mineral foundation, Amazing Base, in 1994, forever changing the landscape of the makeup industry. With distribution rooted in spas, salons, and medical clinics, jane iredale has flourished into a wellness brand offering supplements, skin care, and cosmetics in more than 40 international markets.


Jane Desk RedWhat do you see as an upcoming trend in the industry?

Beauty from within is exactly what consumers are looking for now. This area is expanding exponentially and encompasses all ages for both women and men. It is now understood that you can affect just as much change to the skin, if not more, by feeding it from the inside, as well as the outside. This means eating clean and supplementing diet with food that the skin loves and eliminating the things that it does not.


It is not a trend – more like a lasting shift in the consumer mindset. We have been progressing the category for years. Our new Skincare Supplements are formulated with skin-loving vitamins and botanicals. They make a difference to the skin by promoting better moisture levels and leaving skin clearer, brighter, and smoother. We are thrilled to be at the forefront of this movement. It validates everything that we have been working for.


What advice do you have for someone planning to start a career in this field?

Do a lot of homework and identify how your talents can fill a specific need in your community or desired area of expertise. Make a list of what you need to start and set goals for your growth. Then, use your contacts in your business or related businesses to get as much input as you can. Every time you visit a professional for hair, skin, or nails, ask questions. They will be happy to educate you about the business.


What do you do to live a balanced life?

Moving our office from New York to the beautiful Berkshires in western Massachusetts created a source of balance and opened a new world of inspiration for our products. I am an avid gardener, so being surrounded by organic farms and my own gardens feeds my spirit and inspires my work. We host the local farmer’s market at our headquarters every weekend and we have an employee garden open to everyone. It is a strong reflection of our values as a brand.


Which honor or achievement are you most proud of? Have you won any awards?

I feel being in business for 25 years is a big achievement. I was incredibly proud to be named ISPA’s Visionary of the Year. And, yes, we have won many, many awards both nationally and internationally. There are too many to name here but we are all proud of every single one.


How did you decide that skin care was the right industry for you?

I had always wanted to be involved with something that would enhance the lives of women and have some healing aspect to it. I had spent so many years working with women whose careers depended on having a flawless complexion and the heavy makeup they were using to cover up skin problems was actually aggravating their skin concerns, instead of improving them. I started thinking about a solution – a makeup with true skin care benefits. I had always been interested in wellness, beauty, and personal expression, so the leap was a very natural one for me to make.


What is your biggest hope for the industry going forward?

My biggest hope is that our hard-working and dedicated professionals will continue to be taken seriously as major contributors to the well-being of their clients. I would like to see more flexibility with the claims that professionals and products can make with regard to the skin. We are so constrained now about what we can say products and ingredients do for fear of making a drug claim that I think a lot of people do not avail themselves of services that could really help them.


Why do you think people are loyal to certain brands?

There is only one reason – they see results.


What causes or charitable organizations do you or your company support?

We support many. We restrict our giving to help women, children, animals, and the environment. There is a lot more information on our website.


How do you approach the unknown?

I tend to jump in. I am not someone who wants to know all the pros and cons before taking a risk. If my heart tells me to go for it, someone would have to present a very strong argument to stop me.


What is the best way to keep your eye on future results?

I think the best thing to do is to narrow the field to one or two goals that will help to produce the desired result. Always keep those goals in mind and ask yourself, in whatever you do, if it aligns with those goals. A successful business person says no to a lot more opportunities than she says yes to.


How do you keep your feelings from clouding your decision-making?

I am not sure I do. I think feelings are often a lot more accurate than so-called reasoning.


What dreams and goals inspired you to succeed?

I have always wanted to enhance the lives of women. I wanted to combine that with a quality of life so that my profession and my personal life supported each other. I did not want to work just so that I could go home and have fun. I wanted to have fun and satisfaction even while sitting at my desk.


How do you give credit where credit is due?

Acknowledgement is a precious gift. Everyone likes to be acknowledged, so I have no hesitation in doing that as often as possible.


What is your number one priority?

My dog.


When is breaking the rules okay?

When you get permission.


What values are you committed to?

Making everything around me as healthy as possible, including, and especially, the planet.


Who has influenced you the most?

My mother.


SkinAccumaxWhat is your daily skin care ritual?

I find less is more with my skin, so I do not peel, scrape, or do anything harsh. In the morning, I rinse my face in the shower and, then, apply my BeautyPrep Face Moisturizer. If it is a dry winter day, I will also use Smooth Affair Facial Primer and Brightener. I always use our PurePressed® Base Mineral Foundation and, although I change up on blush and eye shadows, I never deviate from our PureLash® Lash Extender & Conditioner and Longest Lash Thickening and Lengthening Mascara. I will often put Tantasia on my legs as a moisturizer and some color. I find I wear it year round. At night, I always take off my makeup. It is so easy with our Magic Mitt. Then, I put on more moisturizer. If it is a balmy summer night, I will leave off the moisturizer and give my skin a chance to be by itself for a change. Key to all of this are my Skin Omegas supplements, which really do moisturize from the inside.

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