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Wednesday, 11 November 2020 09:32

Decorating on A Dime

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The professional beauty industry, by definition, is all about appearances and when a client walks through the door, the spa design and décor says a lot about the owner. Whether they are starting from scratch or are just looking to revamp their spa, decorating can be a fun and exciting project – even on a budget. Planning is key when it comes to decorating on a budget, and small changes can make a difference.

The best way to start a project is to get a good grasp on what you want to accomplish with the décor. Here are two things that will guide every decision you made.

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The target market plays a key role in determining what services a spa provides and the price point selected; decorating a spa is no different. Consider the ideal client – are they coming for high-end services? Are they looking for a relaxing treatment or something more fun? These questions will help determine the type of décor to go with. 


This is closely tied with clientele. Once you have your target marketing firmly in mind, move onto choosing a theme for the décor. This will help with picking and choosing what colors to incorporate, what accent pieces to include, or what artwork to feature. By committing to a theme, it will also be easier to stay within the budget because you will be working with a narrower field of options. 

Remember to keep these in mind when selecting décor. There are many ways to go about decorating on a budget, and a lot of it comes down to creativity. 


Before getting started, take a critical eye to each room being decorated. You will be amazed by how much a room can change by simply moving things around. Also, make sure to declutter and get rid of anything that is unnecessary or in poor condition. Start the decorative journey with an overall clean layout. 


Displaying the products offered is an easy way to spruce up the space. If the spa sells any retail, use the spa’s waiting area, and look up fun ways to display products. Make the display the focal point of the room’s design or make it more understated. Get décor inspiration directly from the retail products. For example, if the product packaging all follows a similar color scheme, try using those colors in the display area to make it pop. Or, if the retail products include natural ingredients, use those ingredients as part of the décor by hanging artwork of the key ingredients or displaying the real version.


Before going out and buying new décor, take a good look at what the spa already has. Repurposing items can be just as rewarding as buying something new – and usually cheaper. Is there a piece of furniture that you love but could use a good refresh? Try paining it a new color or changing out the cushions. Even something a small as changing the frames on artwork can make an impact on the décor. Don’t forget to take a look atsupplies or equipment. For example, if the spa uses treatment products that come in bottles, instead of throwing them out when empty, paint them and then use as vases for the waiting area.


Adding greenery to a spa can help it feel fresher and more vibrant with minimal effort. There are so many ways to incorporate plants, but when it comes to doing so on a budget, skip the big stuff, which typically come with bigger price tags. Smaller plants are easier to work with and come with more décor options. String them up across a wall for an added touch of nature, or place smaller, more dainty vases around the spa for a more understated feel. If you want to use greenery in spa décor but maybe don’t have the greenest of thumbs, don’t fret. You can always purchase faux plants and flowers from a local crafts store or plant service.


The artwork chosen to display can set the tone for a room or décor. While artwork can be on the pricier side, don’t let that deter you. Finding artwork, you love that fits the theme for a reasonable price is very doable but might require a little more effort to find. If you want something with less commitment, there are many options for low-cost, easy-to-remove wall decals that are still trendy and stylish. This is a good option if the spa is planning on changing the wall decals often, and a good-quality sticker will allow you to remove it without worry. 

Don’t rush  take the time and really consider each new purchase to ensure you stick to the budget. Before committing to a purchase, check around to see if there is a similar item at a lower price. You don’t want to buy something that ultimately leaves you feeling guilty or compromises the rest of the budget. 

Decorating the interior of a spa can seem like a daunting task at first. However, the décor of a spa is just another chance to showcase what makes the business and owner unique. Chic interiors do not always come with a chic price tag. With the right, thoughtful plan, the spa of your dreams is possible. 


Lina Kennedy 2014

As the founder and president of Alexandria Professional, the global authority in body sugaring hair removal, Lina Kennedy has spent the last three decades immersed in the beauty business. She is an entrepreneur, inventor, teacher, and recognized beauty industry innovator, having developed and pioneered a proprietary sugaring process for the removal of unwanted hair. Alexandria Professional is taught in beauty schools worldwide and has distributions in over 30 countries. Kennedy’s critically acclaimed autobiography, “The Sugar Queen,” is described as “a must-read story of courage and determination” that chronicles her life from small town upbringing to multi-million-dollar empire. 

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